Jayne McPherson
Email: mahalo5@comcast.net
D. Jayne McPherson, Founder, Haiku In The Marin Art & Garden Center; Event Assistant & Former Board Member for Marin Poetry Center; Former Editor of Sand & Salt Water Anthology of Marin County High School Poets. Jayne graduated from CMU & SFSU Creative Writing Programs and studied with Lucille Clifton, Galway Kinnell, Sharon Olds, and Brenda Hillman at the Community of Writers. She was a Writing Workshop Facilitator for the Russian River Writers Guild & Clive Matson author, of Let The Crazy Child Write. Her book, Orphan At The Well was produced as a result of her sister dying, subsequent cocooning to Marin County. Writings have appeared in Bay Area Generations, Corners of the Mouth Anthology of California Poets, Carnegie-Mellon Magazine, Spillway, Modern Haiku, etc.