Previous Poets Laureate read and welcome Terry Lucas as the 2019 Marin County Poet Laureate. He is the author of two full-length poetry collections, Dharma Rain (Saint Julian Press, 2016), and In This Room (CW Books, 2016). His two prize-winning chapbooks are Altar Call (San Gabriel Valley Literary Festival, 2013), and If They Have Ears to Hear (Southeastern Missouri University Press, 2013), winner of the 2012 Copperdome Chapbook Award. His poems, essays, and reviews have appeared in numerous national journals, including Best New Poets 2012, Columbia Poetry Review, Crab Orchard Review, Great River Review, Green Mountains Review, MiPOesias, and most recently, Alaska Quarterly Review, Naugatuck River Review, and Open: Journal of Arts & Letters. His essay, “The Crack in Everything, Metaphor and Love in the Poetry of Alicia Ostriker,” was published this month on the companion website Everywoman Her Own Theology: On the Poetry of Alicia Suskin Ostriker (University of Michigan Press, 2018). Terry is a regular guest speaker, panelist, and reader for the Dominican University Low-Residency MFA Program, as well as a free-lance poetry coach.