Marin Poetry Center


Home Events Poetry Reading Practice



May 30 2024


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Mill Valley Public Library


Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley Public Library, 375 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941

Poetry Reading Practice

Hello Poets!
You are invited to join us on Thursday evening, May 30, at 6:30 p.m. in the Creekside Room of the Mill Valley Library, 375 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley, CA., to participate in a practice run in which we will help each other improve our ability to convey our work in a single oral reading.
This gathering is offered as we approach the beginning of the Traveling Shows when many of us will be reading our poems to a live audience. Come and sharpen your skills and assist your fellow poets!
Have you attended a poetry reading, only to find you could not hear well enough to follow the meaning of the poems? Did you catch some words, but miss many? Let’s help each other improve our ability to convey a poem in a single oral reading.
We all attended poetry readings which many in the audience strained to hear. If a person catches only some of the words, it’s likely much of the poem's meaning will be missed, in a single run-through with no printed form to follow along. But that’s what we hope to achieve: comprehension and appreciation of one reading!
Please bring two relatively short poems (your work or someone else’s—your choice). Each of us will read one poem and get comments from the rest. Then the person will read the second poem, and receive comments again. This will continue until all have read two poems. Judy Bertelsen will facilitate the meeting.
At the end of the gathering, we should have learned something about what works and what doesn’t and how the microphone affects things.
you can send an email to if you plan to attend, although feel free to join us without prior notification.

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