Marin Poetry Center

Will You?

Will You?

Second Place: Will You?, by Amo O'Neil


Third Place: His, by Celeste Moore

Writers Group Bulletin Board

As a result of our fall survey and following recent discussions with our members, we have created a Writers Group Clearing House/Bulletin Board where you can contact other interested writers and organize your own writer’s group. 


Honorable Mention: Quilt, by Bodhi Dunkel Wilker


Honorable Mention: Sunday, by Violet Monchick

13 Reasons Why I'm Not a Bubbly Perfect Girl

Honorable Mention: 13 Reasons Why I'm Not a Bubbly Perfect Girl, by Hayley Ballard

Ode to a Box Filled with Smaller Boxes

Honorable Mention: Ode to a Box Filled with Smaller Boxes, by Adi Jolish

For My Daughter

Honorable Mention: For My Daughter, by Shaleez Razavi

Where I'm From

Honorable Mention: Where I'm From, by Dorian Grillet

Yesterday's Red Plaid Flannel

Third Place: Yesterday's Red Plaid Flannel, by Talia Harrison

Marin Poetry Center Upcoming Events

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