Marin Poetry Center

MPC Traveling Show: Episode 8

SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th | 2-3 PM Virtual Reading Host: Judy Bertelsen Readers: Lily Lona MacKenzie, Susanne West, Sandra Anfang, Connie Post Terri Glass, Elaine Chapman, Lynn Axelrod Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 3803 4579

MPC Traveling Show: Episode 7

SATURDAY, JULY 29nd | 2-3 PM MILL VALLEY LIBRARY Host: Sandra Cross Readers: Carol Sheldon, Morgan Reed, Barry Peterson, Ella Eytan, Angelika Quirk, Simona Carini, David Glick

MPC Traveling Show: Episode 6

SATURDAY, JULY 22nd | 2:30-3:30 PM LARKSPUR LIBRARY Host: Gabrielle Rilleau Readers: Melanie Maier, Margaret Stawowy, Lynn Ireland, Judy Crowe, Marie Henry, Collette Sell, Donna Emerson  

MPC Traveling Show: Episode 5

SATURDAY, JULY 15TH | 2:30 -3:30 PM FAIRFAX LIBRARY Host: David Booth Readers: Joan Baranow, Cathy Shea, Barbara Brauer, Kate Peper, Ann Robinson, Prartho Sereno, Elizabeth Valosek

MPC Traveling Show: Episode 4

SATURDAY, JUNE 24TH | 2-3:30PM SAN ANSELMO LIBRARY Host: Dotty LeMieux Readers: Robin Lee, Lucia Coppola, Kimberly Nunes, Karen Poppy, Dave Holt, Linda Enders, Carol Griffin, Sandy White, Elaine Fletcher Chapman, Sandy Scull All Library events are free. 415-258-4656    

MPC Traveling Show: Episode 3

SATURDAY, JUNE 17TH | 2-3PM NOVATO LIBRARY Host: Maxine Flasher-Düzgüneş Readers: Dotty LeMieux, Tamam Kahn, Katherine Crawford, Raphael Block, Patricia Nelson, Francesca Bell, Jeanne Santangelo and MPC Youth Ambassador Cade Palmer All Library events are free. Call 415-868-0252 or visit Events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. For […]

MPC Traveling Show: Episode 2

SATURDAY, JUNE 10TH | 2-3PM VIRTUAL READING Host: Ann Huang Readers: Dale Jensen, Judy Wells, Peter N. Carroll, Angie Minkin, Judy Bertelsen, Deborah Dashow Ruth, John Heart Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 4469 4781 One tap mobile +16699009128,,85944694781# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,85944694781# US All Library events are free. Call 415-868-0252 or visit Events […]

MPC Traveling Show: Episode 1

SATURDAY, JUNE 3RD | 2-3PM STINSON BEACH LIBRARY Host: Sandra Cross Readers: Tobey Hiller, Kathryn Jordan, Sandy White, Carol Dorf, Collette Sell, Patti Trimble, Siân Killingsworth All Library events are free. Call 415-868-0252 or visit Events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. For accommodation requests call 415-473-3220 (voice), […]

2023 High School Anthology Launch

TUESDAY, MAY 23 | 6PM GARDEN ROOM | 1st FLOOR EDGEHILL MANSION Dominican University, 75 Magnolia Ave, San Rafael Marin Poetry Center & Dominican University of California MFA Program in Creative Writing Present:  A celebration and reading of student work selected by judge Joan Baranow, founder and teacher at the Low-Residency MFA program in Creative […]

An Evening With Poet Laureates

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 | 7PM CREEKSIDE ROOM | MILL VALLEY LIBRARY Registration required. Register here.  Join us as we celebrate and toast the newly appointed California Poet Laureate, Lee Herrick! He will be joined by current San Francisco Poet Laureate, Tongo Eisen-Martin, and Marin County Poet Laureate Emerita, Becky Foust. Each will share poems and […]

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